
P31 OBS Blog Hop

Saturday, March 27, 2010

A New Approach

What a beautiful day it was today!!!  The air was crisp and the sun was shining!  Perfect weather for the end of the week.  What a week it was!!! Spring has sprung in the classroom.  I had someone cut a hold in my tablecloth.  I was not happy to say the least.  My principal told the parent  they should give me $5.00 towards it.  This is much less than what I paid for it.  Boy, let me tell you that parent came right up the next day to say her child said they did not do it.  This is after her child told me and the principal they did it.  So finally the child admitted the truth to Mom.  I tried all year to get this parent in for a conference.  They are told they have to pay $5.00 for replacement of something their child did and boy do they come flying in.  Maybe, I can work this to my advantage so I can get some  more parents in.:)!!

The child did not have a side when I went to school.  What the teacher said was gold. In my house we didn't think about messing up because we knew the consequence would far out way any pleasure we would have in doing the deed.  Wow, have we changed.  I am reminded of a story a co-worker told me.  She got in trouble once in school.  Her Dad took away her bike.  He just didnt take it away from her.  He took it apart, piece by piece.  When she got a good report she would get a pedal back, then a wheel and so on.  I have to admit I had never heard anything like that before.   I thought my Dad was tough!  I thank God for my Mom and Dad.

Monday, March 15, 2010

A Somber Day

It was a somber day today.  I had half my class out.  The reality of my friend not being with me next year hit her hard today.  I feel so bad but there is nothing I can do.  Trust in the Lord with all your heart !! That's all we can do.  His ways are not our ways.  Someone who has just lost a job really doesn't want to hear that.  I have a feeling it is going to be a long 3 months.  She got our Christmas cookie exchange started two years ago.  I actually made cookies for the last two years something I never really did.  She said "I guess somebody will keep it going."  I smiled and said "I'm sure somebody will." My favorite spot to look for cookies is .  My Dad sold cookies for a living so baking cookies at my house never really happened.  We would just go to the garage and open up a box.   So when I had to come up with homemade cookies it was really stretching me!!  This year I did the Fiesta fudge cookies!! MMM Good!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sad times in Education

You know you hear how bad the economy is but when it strikes home then you really realize how bad it is.  I was on my way outside with my children to play.  It was nearly the end of the day.  I came back in to find my assistant clearly upset.  While I was outside with the children she got a call to come to the office.  As she entered the room, there was our principal and personnel director.  Now, you know your heart skips a beat when you see them sitting together.  They proceeded to tell her that she would not have a job next year.  This being done because of the budget.  Then they gave her an official letter.  We were both devasted.  I had to rush off to a class I am taking so all I could do was give her hug and cry with her.  They cut several assistants but not all.  Kindergarten has always had an assistant per teacher.  She's only been with me for 2 years.  She's wonderful!  As I went to my class which was at Central Office I had to walk right by the superintendents office.  A part of me felt like walking in and telling him how I was feeling.  There was this little voice that showed up and said "Don't do that Vicki".  The 24 years I have taught I have never been in his office but I so wanted to go!!!  I couldn't hardly concentrate in my class.  I went to dinner with some fellow teachers afterwards.  There was another one at dinner that had lost hers too.  The other two had not lost theirs.  Questions were flying..."What are we going to do"?"How are we going to do the reading program?""Who is going to get our babies of the bus and bring them to our room the first week of school? "Who else are they cutting?' I guess we will get the answers sooner or later.  Some of the ones they kept are the ones who need to be leaving.  I am guessing they are going by the years they have in.  Unfortunately, mine only had 3 years in.  I don't quite have enough in to retire!! So my prayers are with my good friend and the others who were told they would not be back for the 2010/2011 school year.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

I was reminded this week how short life can be. We have no guarantee for tomorrow. Death is not just for the old. That is why it is so imporant that our heart is right with the Lord. It is not just believing in the Lord but having a relationship with the Lord. A verse spoke to me today. it was Isaiah 54;10 "Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the Lord, who has compassion on you.

My prayers go out to people in the last couple of weeks who have lost special people in their lives. May God wrap his arms around you and hold you.

An Introduction

I have taught for 24 years. It amazes me that it has been that long!!! I taught 1st grade for 17 years and now I teaching Kindergarten. Kindergarten is truly what I love. If they would just let 5 year olds be 5 instead of trying to get them into college!!! Wow, how things have changed. Some is for the good but some is too much.

I have been married for 23 years to a wonderful man. We have two amazing chidren. Kristin is a junior in college and Logan is a junior in high school. My how time flies. I have truly been blessed. I have recently started as a consultant for the company Thirty-One. I don't know where it will take me. I may not do it long. I am not the greatest saleswoman!! Check out my website we sell purse, totes, thermal totes and much more!! I have never understood why people blog. Now I am trying it out and not sure someone will think I am crazy. We will see what happens. I have been reading a couple of blogs lately and they are so inspiring that I thought well maybe I could inspire someone.