
P31 OBS Blog Hop

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I Can Do All Things Through Christ!!

Well, I decided to join Weight Watchers online.  I have been going to the gym but decided I needed to watch my food more.  I think I love salad dressing too much.  I hate fat free dressing.  My portion size is something I am also realizing must be smaller.  I am reminded of the verse Phillipians 4:13 I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.  It says "all thiings"  even losing weight!!  I am doing the online version it was much cheaper and more conveinant for me.   I am so glad I have the Lord's help in doing this.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Life is but a vapor

As I think about the events that happened on Saturday in Arizonia I am deeply saddened.  I knew not one of them personally but yet feel the loss of life as if I did.  Our life is but a vapor.  We don't know when our last breath will be.  Live each day like it might be your last.  Take time for family, friends and yourselves.

I also lost a dear co-worker this week.  The head custodian at my school.  He had been there since the beginning of  my career.  He always made sure I had everything I needed for my classroom.  He would fuss when I would fill out a request form more than once a month but he always filled the order.  He could be gruff but his bark was worse than his bite  Sometimes when I would ask him for things he would tell me to go to Wal-Mart.   I am going to miss him. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Roxanna Green: Christina’s Light Shines on All of Us

Roxanna Green: Christina’s Light Shines on All of Us A 9 year girl who just wanted to learn more about government. My prayers go out to the the victims in Arizonia's tragedy yesterday.

Friday, January 7, 2011

God Uses People · Max Lucado

God Uses People · Max Lucado John 13:18 I know those I have chosen. I am so glad he chose me. I feel so unworthy sometimes. Who knows where I would be if he had not chosen me. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

He Listens!!!

Psalm 121
God Listens  “I call to you in times of trouble, because you will answer me.” Psalm 86:7   Max Lucado reminds me that my voice matters in heavan. I am so thankful that it does.  I know I will not be ignored.  He will answer me.  It may not be as fast as I want or the exact answer that I want but He will answer me. 

So many times in our daily life people don't really listen to us.  They have other things on their minds.  Yet, the one who will listen to us the most is sometimes the One we rarely take time to talk to.  He is never to busy to talk to us or listen. Psalm 121  A Lord who watches over our life no matter where we go.  "The Lord is like a shade tree at your right hand.  The sun won't harm you during the day and the moon won't harm you during the night."
You can't ask for nothing better than that.  Praise the Lord!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Vacation is ending!!

 Is it possible to pause this day?!!  I so do not want to got to work tomorrow.  I have had 2 weeks off.  It has been so nice.  I had a wonderful Christmas, enjoyed the snow, spent time with family and friends. Reality seeks in now!!

Enjoying my family!

As I go into the new year and go back to school tomorrow this will be  the verse I will focus on. "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" Jeremiah 29:11 

Need to remember that God is in control!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sweeter Than Chocolate

Precept Ministries: STC - Hebrews 11: Pam's review of Lesson 1 Sweeter than Chocolate. There are 6 videos that are about 10 minutes. She has entitled it Sweeter than Chocolate. Hebrews 11.